How does lightning form?
Lightning is formed when two in- cloud particles hit each other it creates friction which makes lightning, and makes lighting very hot, and thus this causes lightning.
How does hail form?
Up in the clouds, during snowy days, cold air hits warm air and since it is a cold day there is more cold air. So, cold air bounds off warm air to the surface of the clouds. Since, there is no warm air, snow (before it drops) gets frozen in the clouds and it causes the snow to be ice, and thus it causes hail.
How does rain form?
The sun vaporizes tiny bits of water from water sources e.g. Rivers, ponds, oceans, and more. The vaporized water transforms into tiny (unnoticeable with naked- eyes) dust particles. When there is enough dust particles to create a rain cloud a rain cloud is formed. At last, the rain pours down on earth, thus causing rain. *This is a loop cycle*
How do rainbow’s appear?
Rainbows happen because of water droplets and the sun. Here’s how: First, since the water droplets are transparent and when the sun shines the water droplets reflects all the colors of the rainbow (transparent objects reflect all colors of the rainbow because if you shine it to light in a dark, empty room it will reflect all the colors of the rainbow. The colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet in order). This is also known as Roy G. Biv.