
What occurs earthquakes? Earthquakes occur when two tectonic plates slip releasing a huge vibration to the surface or near the shore (if the earthquake is considered to be below the ocean/ on the seabed). What should we be aware of when an earthquake happens and…

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What occurs a tsunami?                 Tsunamis can be triggered by multiple ocean activity, some like underwater earthquakes which occurs when two tectonic plates slip and create a strong vibration heading upwards. Some might be caused by underwater volcanic activity, landslides, change in weather, and some near- earth objects (e.g., asteroids, comets) colliding above the ocean or near…

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Mysteries of Space

Space is where our planet earth lives. Space has many mysteries we haven’t found yet in the universe. The universe has many space dust that can counter our planet in many ways and produce a mass extinction. This may be the…

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