Space is where our planet earth lives. Space has many mysteries we haven’t found yet in the universe. The universe has many space dust that can counter our planet in many ways and produce a mass extinction. This may be the cause of what happened to the dinosaurs that once roamed the earth. Space has been here a long time and scientists don’t know how it was formed. We only know 5% of space since it grows bigger. The universe grows bigger and bigger within each earth day and we don’t know if there are more universes and this is just one of them. There are many theories of how the universe was formed but no one has any scientific proof/evidence in their results.
We have been using technology to help us throughout the years but we need more high- tech gadgets. We have found many habitable planets that scientists say those planets will be better than earth and will be our new home but there is a problem. It is too far from earth that not a single of our technology can reach there for now.
If we want to go at the speed of photons also known as the fastest moving thing we need a light spacecraft and the spacecraft needs to condense the space behind the rocket/shuttle/ spacecraft and we need to extend the space in front of the spacecraft to create a small wormhole that can surpass the speed of light or at least succeed the speed level of the photons.
Space draws attention to citizens and scientists. Many people have many questions and have their own theory to it. Some people are waiting for astronomers to find out their theory. Scientists who study space are called astronomers. People who travel to space are called astronauts. Astronauts search for data on the surfaces of those planets unless it is inhabitable to stand or go near it or it is a gas giant. If so then they will use the satellites to see. Scientists on ground use telescopes and satellites to see their information.
Astronauts are usually living in the ISS also known as the international space station. The ISS is a place where all astronauts from around the world meet and stay there for a while. They have to exercise for 2 hours each day because in a month their legs will become weaker and can’t stand high impact. It is because they are floating across space so it won’t be good for their legs.
There are things called gravitational keyholes. For example: An asteroid passes by the orbit of planet earth. The part where the asteroid gets off it’s orbit by our earth’s gravitational force is the gravitational keyhole also known as the dangerous part. It is danger to Earth because it might go there again but it might hit planet earth. This happened and is happening right now in 2020. Astronomers say it has 30% chance that it will hit earth right now. But later in a couple more years in like 2056 it will strike earth or it might not happen that way. Astronomers aren’t 100% sure if it will happen or not.
These are types of space objects; Exoplanets, Exomoons, Planets, Gas giants, Comets, Meteors, Meteorites, Asteroids, Dwarfs, Brown dwarfs, Blue dwarfs, Stars, Black holes, White holes, Moons, Dwarfs, Red dwarfs, Black dwarfs, Dark matter, Dark energy, White dwarfs, Red giants, and Yellow dwarfs. These are only a few objects in space. Yellow dwarfs are when a star is in it’s middle age like our sun. A planet must be a spherical space object that orbits a star. A black hole is a space object that can devour anything in it’s path including light. It needs to have so much mass and needs to have a high gravitational pull. It is super dangerous. You can’t really see a black hole. You can only see the dust it is consuming. There is a super massive black hole in the middle of every galaxy including the Milky way galaxy. A black hole also has an event horizon also known as the point of no return. Anything that enters a black hole is nowhere to be seen after it got consumed by a black hole. A white hole is the exact opposite. It rejects energy. White holes may happen if a black hole dies. It might reject all the energy that the black hole consumed. But white holes don’t exist because it is just a theory that white holes are seen in reality. It is a mystery to astronomers. Red giant is when a star is almost about done it’s lifespan. Most objects in space have lifespans. The brighter a space object is the more fuel it’s using up which means a shorter lifespan. The dimmer the space object is the longer it’s lifespan is. Red dwarfs and brown dwarfs usually have 1 to 10 trillion years until they explode. There might be a chance that space isn’t older then 10 trillion years. Mars used to have water but something startled it.
These are types of gases and explosions; Supernova(e), Hypernova(e), Kilo Nova(e), Nova(e), Nebulas, Water Clouds, Clusters, Galaxies, Super Clusters, and more.
One theory of how earth gained life was a big collision with a mars sized planet. Venus spins the opposite way then the other planets. Astronomers say it is because of a big collision. Uranus is the only planet that is spinning on it’s side. Just like Venus astronomers say it was hit by a big collision. Uranus, Jupiter, and Neptune all have rings like Saturn but they are small rings that can’t be seen clearly. And absolutely not be naked eye. This was one theory scientists think that is how earth gained life.
Do you know how scientists predict asteroids? Here’s how: Scientists will take photos in one place like 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and see if any small stars moved within each photo. If it does move it is an asteroid. Then, they try predicting where it might go in different ways. This is a 2 step way how to predict if an asteroid will hit earth. Did you know that scientists are making space objects produce sound although space is silent. Here is how they do it: First, they equip a special thing to new satellites and new tech that are about to go in space. This allows them to hear sounds of stuff in space. So far the deepest sound was from blackholes and they are the deepest sounds ever heard or found so far. This is about space and this is all the basics you need to know about space and this just a few things I know about space. Space will always be a mystery to us humans. Whoever is reading this I hope this gave you lots of information about space.